RISE Challenge

I am one of the 100 RISE Global Winners, who will be supported for a lifetime from education to social initiatives by Schmidt Futures and Rhodes Trust to create impact in their communities. I have been a very active member of the RISE community, personally made a lot of lifelong friendships, learned new perspectives, and witnessed amazing collaborations. I am also part of RISE Peer-Moderation team, serving as Community Engagement Assistant on the RISE official Discord Server.
I am attaching the links to videos I made through the RISE Challenge, pitch deck, and some background research content.
Global Winners – https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2021/10/25/inside-google-billionaire-eric-schmidts-1-billion-moonshot-plan-to-fund-the-worlds-most-promising-teens/?sh=25d36c576ad5
About RISE – https://risefortheworld.org
Published Portfolio (Hello World) – https://helloworldnetwork.org/portfolio/3093
PitchDeck – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YwDFOa5QHXkPDKpHpBBSD3Ep9guUE-lG5IgyaN12rw4